Measurement Tools - Nancy's Knit Knacks Official Website

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Measurement Tools

Product Info > Meters/Counters
NKK offers a number of different measurement tools.

We popularized the use of the fishing meter for yarn measurement. We were not the first company to use this small plastic meter but we were the first to mount it onto a proper meter support system which enabled the meter to work properly when measuring yarn. To date we have sold almost 15,000 of these metering solutions. Our current model is better than ever since we now include an on-board tensioner which significantly improves the accuracy of the meter.

In 2009, we developed the Electronic Yarn Meter (EYM). This was to be used primarily with our motorized ball winder. It has been extremely successful.

The EYM then gave birth to the Electronic Rotation Counter (ERC) which was mounted on our new line of Skein-winders and Swifts. Plus, we we were able to extend this product onto 3rd party skein-winders. The ERC is a variant of the EYM.

The Row Counter Plus™ was originally sold between 2005 and 2009 by NKK but we then de-commissioned it due to some design issues. We then re-introduced it in 2013 after the design issues had been resolved by our Japanese partner. Although state-of-the-art smart phones have caught up in many respects to the capability of the Row Counter Plus, there is nothing like a dedicated tool that does one thing well. This is exactly what the Row Counter Plus does.

We finally ended this product in 2017 due to slow sales. Although many people liked the device, many others preferred using their cell phones for these functions.

We also have the WPI Tool which is listed in the Spinning Tools section. This tool measures the thickness of your yarn.

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