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Cleaning out an old Website

Nancy's Knit Knacks Official Website
Published by in Misc. Stuff · 27 June 2015
Tags: website
We have all cleaned out an old room or a house and we know what it is like to discard stuff that we used to value. But in most cases it just has to go! Well as I was moving the old website over to the new one, it was a very similar experience. Throwing old pictures away and other "stuff" that I just did not need anymore. Well, it was and still is hard (since I am still working at it right now). But I know from experience that I will feel much better when I have completed the "clean-out" or "move". I just wanted to share with those of you who have never done a website before that it is like cleaning out a house full of rooms. You get the idea, I am sure.   

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